Global Tree Initiative

Ocean of Compassion is happy to support the Global Tree Initiative (GTI).
In November of 2019, Tenzin Osel Hita made a wish out loud.
Osel was motivated by a deep-seated interest to find a way for
people of all backgrounds and all religions and all
socio-economic circumstances to come together over a meaningful
project that could be offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama as
a token of gratitude for the never-ending inspiration His
Holiness provides the world through his living example.
His Holiness is a well-known champion of environmental issues.
He always calls upon people to act with a warm heart and sense
of universal responsibility to make continuous efforts to
reverse and remedy the degradation of our environment.

Tree planting has always been one of Osel’s passions and
dreams. For as long as he has been giving public talks, he
has echoed the wisdom of His Holiness wherever he goes. Even
at the close of the Being Your True Nature retreat in
California during the summer of 2019, Osel gave the
participants the commitment of planting a tree before a year
had passed.
It was just a matter of connecting the dots for the Global
Tree Initiative (GTI) to be created.

The GTI is an ongoing campaign with tree offerings being made to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama each year on His Holiness’ birthday (July 6th). A second set of tree offerings will be made to Lama Zopa Rinpoche each year on Lama Zopa’s birthday as well.

Who we are
Global Tree Initiative (GTI) is a grass roots international environmental campaign launched through a global community. Acting as a harmonious whole, we can achieve a greater result working together than could possibly be achieved acting individually. We are dedicating the fruits of our activities to the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the planet and all living beings including humanity. We hold out our hand as an invitation for you to join us.
How to get involved
Whether this is your first tree planting, or you have planted
a forest, we are always learning. Knowing how to plant a tree
the right way — especially now, considering such unprecedented
climate conditions — will ensure your efforts will not be in
vain. So, do your homework. Find the right tree for your
situation. You can start even from seeds.
Learn how to plant trees the right way.
4 Pillars of Planting
Set a good motivation for your tree planting activity. Imagine
a better world not just for you and your family but for all
living beings. Visualize a world free of inner and outer
pollution; a peaceful, prosperous world without hatred, greed
and confusion where the landscape is lush and verdant,
fragrant flowers bloom, trees stand tall, animals thrive and
humanity lives in harmony.
Maintain this awareness of your end goal throughout the
process. Stay present. Be right where you are holding in your
heart a wish for a better world starting right now with you
and this seed.
After planting and caring for your tree, mentally seal in the
whole process. Think, “May the world be a better place due to
this tree planting activity” and include any of your personal
dedicated wishes too.
Delight in your efforts and celebrate. With this thought in
your mind, ignite a feeling of joy in your heart. A job well
done! Allow this great feeling of joy and delight to swell
from the depths of your heart. Your one individual action,
coupled with the same individual actions done by thousands and
millions around the planet contains the seeds that can change
our world.
Share your experience
Share your Tree Planting success with GTI here:
After planting your tree, please, make sure to tell us all
about it. All numbers and stories and dedications and pictures
are being collected into a total global report that will be
offered to His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the wish that the
inspiring lives of His Holiness and all wise leaders will be
long and stable.
Global Tree Initiative website:
Facebook page: