Nalanda Merit Tour
How to Lead a Meaningful Life
Monday, October 14, 2019
6:00pm: Welcome and Light Dinner
7:00pm–9:00pm: Teaching and Presentation
Ven. Gyaltsen and Ven. Tendar are Mahayana Buddhist monks
from Nalanda Monastery in France.
During their Merit Tour in the USA,
they will be sharing presentations about Nalanda Monastery,
monasticism, what it means to be a monk, living in the vows,
and tips on leading a meaningful life.
They hope to meet many Buddhists and non-Buddhists
alike. Their goal is to inspire and benefit as many people
as possible on their way through North America.
Everybody is welcome to join!
This is a free event. All donations will be used to support
Nalanda's North-America Merit Tour.

Ven. Losang Tendar
(Simon de Boer, Dutch) is a board member of Nalanda and
director of the International Mahayana Institute
(a world wide organization with about 320 monks and nuns as
Ven. Losang Gyaltsen
(Cyril Carlier, French) is the director of Nalanda Monastery in France.
Maitreya Pure Land
Lama Zopa Rinpoche checked the karmic potential of the property and highly recommended a purchase. In June 2019 Rinpoche came to visit Nalanda and saw Gachepel for himself. While at the property Rinpoche took the time to pray, blessing the grounds and named the land "Maitreya Buddha's Pure Land". Rinpoche then auspiciously made an offering, the first donation in support of the project, in the amount of $100,000.
Visit the Maitreya Pure Land website for more information and to support the project.

Audio Recordings
Video Recordings