What's So Bad About Complaining?
Friday, June 3, 2016
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Griping about the things that bother us is a habit that
practically everyone has indulged in to some extent, though
perhaps it seems even more rampant nowadays, especially with
the internet providing so many forums for us to vent our
complaints. But does anything truly positive ever come from
our complaining? In this talk we will discuss the truth
about complaining and explore how to address the things that
we don’t like in the most positive way for both ourselves
and others.
Don will give another talk on Thursday, May 26:
Using Work as a Spiritual Path
Save by pre-registering for both talks below!

Don Handrick's Time at Kopan Monastery (Slide Show)
Last year, Don Handrick led the November Course, a
month-long teaching and meditation retreat on the lam-rim
held at Kopan Monastery
in Nepal and attended by over 225
people from around the world.
In this slide show, Don will share his experiences during
the course, which also included a visit from Lama Zopa
Rinpoche for two weeks of the course and some pilgrimage to
sacred sites in the Kathmandu Valley.

Don Handrick is the resident
teacher at Thubten Norbu Ling Buddhist Center in Santa Fe,
NM, and he teaches for the FPMT at the Ksitigarbha Tibetan
Buddhist Center in Taos, NM. Don also serves as a Buddhist
teacher for Liberation Prison Project, which includes
teaching Buddhism at a local prison in New Mexico. Don's
study and practice of Buddhism began in 1993 when he read
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal
Rinpoche. Over the next two years he practiced with Rigpa,
Sogyal Rinpoche's organization, until he began attending
classes with Venerable Robina Courtin at Tse Chen Ling,
the FPMT center in San Francisco.
At the beginning of 1998, Don left the Bay Area to attend
the FPMT's Masters Program of Buddhist Studies in Sutra
and Tantra, a full-time seven-year residential study
program in Tuscany, Italy, taught by the incomparable
scholar and kind Spiritual Friend, Geshe Jampa Gyatso. By
2004, he successfully completed all five subjects of the
program and received an FPMT final certificate with high
honors. Soon after, Don moved to Santa Fe and served as
the Spiritual Program Coordinator for Thubten Norbu Ling,
and in 2006 he was appointed Resident Teacher.
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Audio Recordings
Video Recordings
Suggested Donation: $25 – $45
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