Deconstructing the Ego to Reconstruct the Self
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Is it OK to have a healthy ego? What part of “me” am I
trying to give up? And who am I, anyway?
Everyone has a natural tendency to focus on “me” — my body,
my feelings, and my thoughts. This focus has played a
critical role in keeping each of us safe, alive and fed… and
in developing our ego construct — the story we tell
ourselves about who we are. But there comes a time when this
prioritization of “me” and limited view of “who I think I
am” actually gets in the way of our personal and spiritual
growth. Join Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi as she shares empowering,
practical steps to identify and let go of the limited ego so
we can make space for something much more expansive, loving
and profound.

Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi became interested
in meditation after reading "Be Here Now" and "Autobiography
of a Yogi" in the early ’70’s. For the next 20 years, her
spiritual path was meandering and haphazard, and included
several dead ends, until she bought a one-way ticket to
India in early 1991 with the intention of meeting His
Holiness the Dalai Lama. In late 1991, she became
co-director of Vajrapani Institute in California. In 1995,
she began working at FPMT International Office, first as
co-director and then later as center services coordinator.
In early 2000, she began a long, solitary retreat that
lasted 6½ years. Tenzin Chogkyi decided to become ordained
in the third year of her long retreat, and then left
retreat for a quick trip to India in 2004 for novice
ordination with His Holiness. Since 2008, Ven. Chogkyi has
been teaching at various centers worldwide.
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